Activity Easter Baskets 2023

Once Upon A Time… about 6 years ago, my sister-in-law was coming to stay with us over the Easter weekend. She asked since she was travelling to us, if I would do Easter baskets for my two nephews, niece and our daughter? Of course, I said absolutely! …. and then had a mild panic. I’d never done an Easter basket before… what does one put in it? No way was I having 4 kids in my house and giving them a basket full of sweets. I set about figuring out the alternative, filling them with activities and things that would keep them busy for the weekend! Little did I know, it would set off an exploratory adventure in filling a little basket with fun! And here we are six years later enjoying our spring basket tradition.

Check out this year’s basket contents below which are suitable for our children - aged 6, 4, and 18 months. Contents are generally gender neutral, focused on educational fun, or things they actually need for the season! Or you can check out our Amazon “Little Kid Easter Basket Shop which contains all the ideas from previous years too.

2023 Spring Easter Baskets for our children - aged 6, 4 and 1

All 3 children received:

Hope some of this is helpful for you!

A little FYI… We’re not really a religious family, so we embrace this as a basket of fun that makes an occasion out of the seasonal change! We might even do a fall equinox basket too as a school starting point. Overall, we remind our children that these are items that are focused on spending quality time together as a family and encouraging us to get outside as much as possible.

I also find it really helpful as a pinpoint of a moment in time that the kids can look forward to getting a few gifts - their birthdays are all in the fall, so this is the perfect halfway point through the year to top up their toys a little bit. (Especially when they are young, we find this super helpful to have certain gift giving moments to avoid the constant “can I have this?” at the store).

So there we have our spring baskets for another year! Cannot wait for the warm weather to really kick in to get outside planting with them and hanging up their new swingset pieces. It’s going to be a fun one!

And they lived happily ever after… with a bite of chocolate bunny ear and bees happily buzzing around them.

Love & cuddles,



Hazzer & Megs - Some Opinions