About Us

Wedding - Under the Arbor Smiling.jpg

7 Useless Facts About Us

  1. We met at university in a tiny Scottish town working together at a Thai restaurant that no longer exists. We make a mean saketini and can devour inordinate amounts of sushi like you’ve never seen before.

  2. We lived together before we dated. And then lived together while we dated. We’ve been together for over 13 years now, married for 7 years and genuinely believe that serendipity brought us to our happy place with each other.

  3. We have lived in 16 homes together, but over 29 different homes between the two of us over the last 30+ years. In fact, the only single place we have managed to stay for longer than 3 years was the Urban Farmhouse in Atlanta. So while we’ve only owned 3 houses now, we’ve seen our fair share across many countries!

  4. We’re pretty nomadic - claiming all of the following places as ‘home’ at some point: Scotland, England, North Carolina, Georgia, and now in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Lex has additionally lived in the French Alps and northern Italy. We get around but in a good way!

  5. We initially fell in love on a ski trip and love winter holidays - like freezing, can’t feel your nose, I’m-definitely-in-Canada kind of cold vacations. Our honeymoon was in Canada in the depths of winter, and it was magical!

  6. Our dream retirement would be to open up a boutique bed & breakfast with farm, micro-brewery & gastronomic pub attached. Think the fictional Gilmore Girl’s Dragonfly Inn (or check out the very real and amazing Fearrington Inn in North Carolina!)

5 Questions for Stu

For exactly how many months of the year is it appropriate to wear flip flops? Trick question. The limit does not exist.

Silly accomplishment are you secretly very proud of? His first answers were not appropriate for the interwebs. The PG-13 answer: Getting a toilet to flush after I plumbed it for the first time and the resulting Instagram boomerang. 

If you could be any sandwich, what would you be and why? “This is deep question” – he answers two seconds later.. “a Philly cheesesteak, I’m only regionally appreciated”

Unsung talent? Being able to make someone laugh in the worst and most depressing moments.

Worst joke you’ve ever told? The muffin joke. [We will get a video of Stu telling this *awful Dad style* joke at some point…] Fun fact, I told Lex this joke before we started dating, standing outside her flat window, completely hammered at 2am (she was sober). It was definitely what won her over!

5 Questions for Lex

What kind of fruit would someone say you are? A lychee. A bit exotic…Intimidating, tough and weird looking on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside - plus love a good cocktail.

Your theme song? Defying Gravity from the musical, Wicked. Or the Hans Zimmer Battle scene from Gladiator… gah, don’t make me pick!

Would you rather every cupcake taste like a muffin or every donut taste like bagel? Definitely cupcakes as muffins. I love making cupcakes, don’t love eating them. But I couldn’t give up Krispy Kreme.

Unsung talent? I have two! Either picking exactly the right size tupperware for the amount of leftovers we have. Or walking into any establishment and being able to pick out the most expensive thing/item by sight. Though Stu says the latter is a curse, not a talent.

Weirdest job you’ve ever had? Working as the ‘IT’ clown in a theme park haunted house. Best job of my life - I got paid to scare the crap out of people!! So much fun.